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Sunday, November 21, 2010



Une Education Pour Demain

Interactive EFL / ESL grammar exercises
for students of English

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    For some time we've been very happy to have your link to our web site.

    We'll be closing our old site at the beginning of February and the link will be broken so maybe you will wish to update it. We would be very grateful for that.

    Your page:http://english-on-the-net.blogspot.com/2010/11/uneeducationpourdemainpagesperso.html

    Old link:http://une.education.pour.demain.pagesperso-orange.fr/rodsex/rodsindex.htm
    New link:http://uepd.quizport.com/course/view.php?id=6

    Please note that that the exercises will be updated during 2012 and the links may break again. I will try to keep you informed.
    Best regards,
    Glenys Hanson
    Glenys Hanson - Responsable des sites
    www.uneeducationpourdemain.org ∣ Plate-forme de formation UEPD
    Une Education Pour Demain, Association loi 1901
    8 route de la Maltournée, Cidex 26 bis, Larnod 25720, France
